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Get to Know Me



Jolan Holmes, B.A., E.C.E, RCC, Certified Sleep and Potty Training Consultant.

Jolan Holmes, B.A., E.C.E, R.C.C. and Certified Sleep and Potty Training Consultant lives in Anmore, BC with her husband and two beautiful boys. She has over 20 years experience supporting families and children with developmental, behavioural and mental health needs, as well as working specifically with little ones with sensory processing challenges and Autism. This work has provided her with immense experience in child development, family systems and developing healthy family routines.



After completing her Masters in Clinical counselling and becoming a Registered Clinical Counsellor through the BCACC, Jolan felt that she could add on to this support by being able to provide families with tailored sleep plans and solutions that can help them to become educated sleep experts themselves and recognize the importance of sleep for their family. She knew how critical sleep was to ensure a healthy body and brain, especially when supporting little ones and families with developmental, behavioural and mental health struggles. Jolan was certified as a Sleep Consultant through the Family Sleep Institute and trained as a Good Night Sleep Educator. Becoming a sleep consultant combined her passion of working with families and littles ones with her love of sharing the importance of sleep.


When not helping and supporting families, Jolan spends time with her family exploring all the beautiful parks and beaches in BC. She is an avid reader, has a passion for music and loves travelling.


A Developmental Positive Parenting Perspective

My work with families is from a developmental and positive parenting approach. A developmental perspective helps parents to understand their little one's cognitive and skills level which can help us further understand those strengths, challenges and struggles to better support little ones through these changes and transitions. 


One question often unasked is “What is positive parenting ? And how can it work for our family ? ”  


The following is a great article that helps to explain not only what positive parenting is but how it can support your family and little ones. 



Positive parenting — sometimes called positive discipline, gentle guidance, or loving guidance — is simply guidance that keeps our kids on the right path, offered in a positive way that resists any temptation to be punitive. Studies show that’s what helps kids learn consideration and responsibility, and makes for happier kids and parents.

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